1. Before performing the rectification, confirm the rectification plan and material supply plan with the product line contacts.
2. Rectify the affected networks without protection with preference.
3. For long-term failure of components, preferentially rectify the boards that were delivered between 2008 and 2009.
[Problem Description]
This notice applies to the following ROADM boards used on WDM equipment:
The preceding ROADM boards have the following problem:
The Finisar WSS module on each of these boards is equipped with a fuse, but the fuse is at risk of failing to work when the ambient temperature is 40 degrees Celsius or higher. The fuse failure rate is generally 1% but reach 5% if the fuse is in-service for more than 3 years. As a result, the WSS module will experience a power outage and cannot add/drop wavelengths, leading to service interruption.
Trigger conditions:
This problem may occur when the fuses on the Finisar WSS modules work at an ambient temperature of 40 degrees Celsius or higher. The boards equipped with these fuses are at high risk of service interruption if they have been in-service for more than 3 years.
The boards cannot add/drop wavelengths and services on the boards are interrupted.
Identification method:
1. If the BOM numbers of the boards are included in the Need Rectification sheet of the Boards with Finisar WSS Modules, you can determine that the Finisar WSS modules on these boards are equipped with defective fuses, and the boards need to be replaced.
2. If the BOM numbers of the boards are included in the Need Verification sheet of the Boards with Finisar WSS Modules, you need to query the WSS module versions to determine whether the Finisar WSS modules of these boards are equipped with defective fuses.
Use the Command line to query the WSS module version. The following provides the details.
For the OptiX OSN 8800/6800boards, run the following command on the Command line to query the WSS module version:
:cfg-get-modverinfo: $bid ;#bid indicates the slot ID in decimal notation.
10 010.017
Total records :1
In the preceding example, “010.017” indicates that the Finisar WSS module of the board is equipped with a defective fuse and the board needs to be replaced.
For the OSN 6800A board, run the following command on the Command line:
rtrv-eqpt::SLOT-1-7:C ;#SLOT-1-7 is the slot ID in decimal notation, indicating slot 7 in subrack 1. The slot ID varies according to site configuration. NEW-NE4 2013-08-28 14:56:36 M C COMPLD “SLOT-1-7::PROVTYPE=12WSD9,ACTTYPE=12WSD9,UPTEMPTH=65,DOWNTEMPTH=0,SN=030HNA10B1000001,PARTNUM=03030HNA,DOM=2011-01-21,DESCR=\”OptiX OSN 6800,TN12WSD9A02,9-Port Wavelength Selective Switching Demultiplexing Board(C_Even,196.00THz~192.10THz,100GHz,LC)\”,PCBVER=VER.A,FPGAVER=(U13)130(U16)110(U17)120,MODVER=010.017,RATEDPWR=35,ACTPWR=35:IS-NR” ;
In the command output, if MODVER is 010.017, then the Finisar WSS module of the board is equipped with a defective fuse and the board needs to be replaced.
For the BWS 1600G boards, run the following command on the Command line:
:nptp:0xbid,1,35,a0,0,0,00,4 ;#bid indicates the slot ID in hexadecimal notation.
ncmd 0: 0b 01 35 00 00 a0 00 00 00 12 34 2c 11
In the command output, if “2c 11” is returned, then the Finisar WSS module of the board is equipped with a defective fuse and the board needs to be replaced.
[Root Cause]
The fuses on the Finisar WSS modules are likely to fail when they are work at an ambient temperature of 40 degrees Celsius or higher. The failure rate is up to 5% after the fuses are in-service for more than three years.
[Impact and Risk]
When the fuses fail, services on boards equipped with the Finisar WSS modules are interrupted.
[Measures and Solutions]
Recovery measures:
If the problem has occurred, replace the affected ROADM boards.
Preventive measures:
Replace all the ROADM boards of which the Finisar WSS modules are equipped with fuses.
Rectify the affected networks without protection with preference.
Perform the following steps to rectify the networks:
1. For live networks, determine whether boards are prone to the problem according to the information provided in “Identification Method”.
2. Apply for spare parts and replace the ROADM boards that are prone to the problem.
3. For the ROADM boards in the spare parts warehouse, if their BOM numbers are included in the Need Rectification and Need Verification sheets of Boards with Finisar WSS Modules, send them back to the Supply Chain Department for replacement.
Boards with Finisar WSS Modules
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