FAQ: How to solve the NESOFT_MM alarm in a OSN 3500

“Dear thunder link internatioal, I wonder how to solve the NESOFT_MM alarm in a OSN 3500?”——Jeffery Smith

After perform an upgrade on a OSN 3500, from V200R11C00 to V200R12C00SCP102, using U2000 V100R008C00SPC300, the packet loading failed on one SCC board, so the decision was to change that board by a new one that was previously prepared. After doing this, none alarm was reported, but after 40 minutes, the NESOFT_MM alarm appeared on the active SCC board. We a switchover was performed on the SCC Boards, the alarm was cleared, but reported again on the other SCC board, the one that would be active after the switchover

The NESOFT_MM is an alarm indicating that the first software system is different from the second software system. This alarm is reported when the NE detects that the first software system and the second software system of the system control, cross-connect, and timing board mismatch with each other. For this case, the difference is on the OFS1 and OFS2 folders from the SCC Boards.

After checking the alarm root cause (a difference between first software and second software system) the folder from SCC boards were checked (OFS1 and OFS2 folders) in order to find some files different between the two folder, but nothing was found. After doing this, the following Navigator commands were executed:


For this case, the working and standby board were located at the slots 17 and 18. The result for these command were like this:


        NESOFTNAME  VER               DATE      STATE     TEST-VERSION-INFO      

        NFS        20121028  Running   T04                    

        NSF1        20121028  active    T04                    

        NSF2        20121028  inactive  T04                    

        INI1        20121018  active    T04                    

        INI2        20121018  inactive  T04                    

        BIOS        08.09.02          20100720  inactive  T01                    

        ExtBIOS     09.09.07          20120709  active    T01                    

        Logic       (U35)110                                                      

        LogicE01    (U80)130                                                     

        DRV         1.10              20120627  active    T01                    

  Total records :10                                                               


        NESOFTNAME  VER               DATE      STATE     TEST-VERSION-INFO      

        NFS        20121028  Running   T04                    

        NSF1        20121028  active    T04                    

        NSF2        20121028  inactive  T04                    

        INI1        20121018  active    T04                    

        INI2        20121018  inactive  T04                    

        BIOS        08.09.05          20111130  inactive  T01                    

        ExtBIOS     09.09.07          20120709  active    T01                    

        Logic       (U35)110                                                     

        LogicE01    (U80)130                                                     

        DRV         1.10              20120627  active    T01                    

  Total records :10                  

Checkng the command results, is easy to find out that the BIOS version is different between the two boards. So this was the root cause for the NESOFT_MM alarm.        In order to solve the issue, the board which the software isn’t ok according to the matching table, was replaced by a new one previously prepared and checked with the right software versionsAfter performing an upgrade, always is a good idea to check if there is something bad between firts and second software system, using the command:sftm-get-testver:bdid at both working and standby SCC boards.


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