Diamond ASON Service

How to Creating a Diamond ASON Service on OSN 3500

You can create an ASON trail with the diamond-class protection.


You must be an NM user with “NE operator” authority or higher.

The NMS synchronizes network-wide TE links and there are sufficient TE link sources.

Background Information

When you create a diamond service, you need to properly configure the rerouting attributes as required. The following descriptions are based on the flex P&R protection diamond service.

Service Requirement

See Figure 1 and . A flex P&R protection diamond service at the rate of 155 Mbit/s is required between NE1 and NE3. The working LSP is required to pass NE2 and the protection LSP is required to pass NE4.

Figure 1 Diamond service requirement


Board Configuration

To meet the previously mentioned service requirement, you can configure the boards as shown in Figure 2 and .

Figure 2 Board configuration for NE1 and NE3


Service Planning

To meet the previously mentioned service requirement, you can refer to Table 1 to plan the diamond service.

Table 1 Diamond service planning

Attribute NE1<->NE3
Source NE NE1
Source board-port 13-SLQ1-1
Source timeslot 1
Sink NE NE3
Sink board-port 13-SLQ1-1
Sink timeslot 1
Protection class Diamond
SNCP Access None
Route constraint Working path: NE1-NE2-NE3; protection path: NE1-NE4-NE3
Rerouting attributes Revertive Mode Automatically Revertive
Lockout Unlocked
Priority High
Trigger Condition Reroute when Flex P&R protection is configured
CrankBack 1
Policy Use existing trails whenever possible
Rerouting Triggered by B3 Bit Error No
Rerouting Hold-off time 0
SNCP Switching Upon SD Yes
Restore Original Selective Receiving Yes
Protection Switchovers 2
Restoration Times Permanent Restoration


In the Rerouting attributes tab, if Revertive Mode is set to Automatically Revertive or Scheduled Revertive, Trigger condition can take any of the following values; if Revertive Mode is set to Non-Revertive, Trigger condition can take any of the following values except Reroute when Flex P&R protection is configured.

Reroute when one trail fails

Reroute when both trails fail

Never reroute

Reroute when Flex P&R protection is configured

If the Reroute when Flex P&R protection is configured value is taken, you need to set Protection Switchovers and Restoration Times. For the value ranges of these two parameters, refer to Table 1 in Protection and Restoration in an ASON Network.


  1. Choose Configuration > SDH ASON > ASON Trail Management from the Main Menu.
  2. Choose Create > ASON Trail, and the creation wizard is displayed.
  3. In Basic Information, enter the basic information of the trail. For example, enter the trail information as follows:

Name: NE1-NE3-ASON-Trail-0001

Type: ASON Trail

Class: Diamond

Concatenation Type: Non-Concatenation


  1. In the Routing Properties field, enter the rerouting attributes of the trail. For example, set the attributes as follows:

Revertive Mode: Automatically Revertive

Lockout: Unlocked

Priority: High

Trigger Condition: Reroute when Flex P&R protection is configured

CrankBack: 1

Policy: Use existing trail whenever possible

Rerouting Triggered by B3 Bit Error: No

Rerouting Hold-off time: 0

SNCP Switching Upon SD: Yes

Restore Original Selective Receiving: Yes

Protection Switchovers: 2

Restoration Times: Permanent Restoration


  1. Set the source NE. In the right-hand topology, double-click the sink NE and select a slot, port and timeslot from the dialog box displayed. Click OK. For example, select port 1 and timeslot 1 on the SLQ1 board in slot 13.
  2. Set the sink NE. In the right-hand topology, double-click the sink NE and select a slot, port and timeslot from the dialog box displayed. Click OK.
  3. Optional: Click Pre-Calculate to pre-calculate the route. Click the Pre-Calculate Route tab to view the related route information.


If you check the Automatic Pre-Calculate check box, the U2000 issues a command for the NE to perform the automatic pre-calculation. Every change of the route constraints, the source/sink, or the protection type triggers an automatic pre-calculation.

  1. Optional: Set Explicit Node or Explicit Link. Right-click an NE in the right-hand topology and select an option from the shortcut menu as needed.



If you want to specify the timeslot when setting the explicit link, choose Browse from the shortcut menu.

After you select the Set Explicit Link shortcut menu item, its submenu is displayed in a folded manner if there are more than ten available explicit links.

To cancel the Explicit Node or Explicit Link, right-click an NE and choose Cancel Explicit Node or Cancel Explicit Link.

For example, you can do as follows:

Select the Working option button. Right-click NE2 in the right-hand topology and choose Set As Explicit Node from the shortcut menu.

Select the Protection option button. Right-click NE4 in the right-hand topology and choose Set As Explicit Node from the shortcut menu.

  1. Optional: Set Excluded Node or Excluded Link. Right-click an NE in the right-hand topology and select an option from the shortcut menu as needed.



If you need to cancel the Excluded Node or Excluded Link, right-click an NE and choose Cancel Excluded Node or Cancel Excluded Link from the shortcut menu.

  1. Optional: Check ActivateDuplicate after created, or Support Unavailable Resource.


If you check the Activate check box, a created trail is applied to the NE so that the trail is in the activated state.

If you check the Duplicate after created check box, after a trail is created, you can create multiple trails that share the same source and sink by duplicating the created trail.

If you check the Support Unavailable Resource check box, the interrupted TE links can be used for calculating routes.

  1. Verify that the trail information and route restrictions are correctly entered. Click Apply. If the creation is successful, the system prompts that the operation was successful.


To change the route restrictions, select one or multiple route restrictions from the Route Restriction pane, right-click and choose Delete from the shortcut menu. Repeat steps 8 through 10 to set new route restrictions.

When you specify explicit nodes or explicit links for route calculation, specify them from the source node to the sink node.

When you specify excluded nodes or excluded links for route calculation, you can check but cannot modify the Persist Exclude parameter of nodes or links. For details, see Setting an Excluded Link for Rerouting.

  1. Click Close. If the system prompts that the route calculation fails, check whether the route constraints are proper and whether the link resources are sufficient. Then start the configuration again from Step 1.
  2. Click Cancel to go back to the SDH ASON Trail Management window. You can see the detailed descriptions of the service.


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